My Services
I use a variety of therapeutic approaches, including Cognitive Behavioral Therapy, Acceptance and Commitment Therapy, Dialectical Behavior Therapy, and Motivational Interviewing. I will assist you in understanding your thoughts and emotions and support you as you determine how these thoughts and feelings impact your behaviors and relationships. Together, we will examine how the thoughts you get caught up in dominate your behaviors. We will look at which behaviors lead you in the desired direction. We will use mindfulness and self-compassion as well as “in the moment” experiences to guide your journey. My focus is on collaborating with you to move towards the goals you set. You will learn new tools for dealing with life’s challenges and feel more empowered as you identify how to make your life rich, full and meaningful.

While difficult anxiety symptoms can affect many aspects of your life and manifest in feelings of anger and depression, there is hope for a calmer, more serene future.

Addiction is a complex disease. I work with clients to help them avoid and cope with triggers that lead to use as well as identify thoughts and emotions that impact these decisions.

I help teens understand their complex emotions, including anxiety and depression. I also work with them to identify how avoidance of feared situations further increases these feelings.