Project Description

Counseling for Anxiety and OCD

Do you worry about work, your family, or your health constantly, or feel anxious and tense even about small events?

Is your mind riddled with a powerless sense of imminent danger, for you or for loved ones?

Do  your anxious thoughts make it tricky to get on with regular life and enjoy each day?

Do you find yourself thinking the same thoughts repeatedly and/or repeating actions to control stressful thoughts?

These signs and symptoms are common in those suffering from anxiety disorders. While difficult anxiety symptoms can affect many aspects of your life and manifest in feelings of anger and depression, there is hope for a calmer, more serene future.  

I’ve been supporting clients with anxiety disorders for years. The evidence-based therapy I provide often enables clients to unhook from their thoughts,  laugh freely, relax, and ground themselves in the face of fear. I can show you how to worry less about your future and past and enjoy each day right now.

Make An Appointment

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